Wednesday 15 April 2009

WWE Draft Rant

Hey there Wrestling Fans,
The Ranter here,

I watched WWE Raw for the first time in ages live two days ago and well i got to say that the bloody wwe think that we are retarded. Obviously being Raw's show it would be obvious that Raw would get the most drafts of the night and they did as you know already Big Show, MVP, Matt Hardy, Maryse and The Miz have all moved over to the red brand.

But on a whole watching it, the match that had the most idiotic, obvious ending was the 15 man battle royal, Big Show had just eliminated Mark Henry making ECW not have a second draft but they did get a good one, but like what i'm trying to say is that when this happened on the left it was quite frankly so obvious that SD was getting the draft, plus with the WWE commentators keep saying that Edge won the draft for Smackdown last year in the battle royal, they gave it away too much, that match could have carried on unexpectedly ending like that later on if Edge wasn't at the ropes before this happened.

Anyway getting off that high horse the supplumental draft is today and i'm expecting Charlie Haas to go to ECW where they can push him, and need to push him. All the best goes to the WWE in the draft today, plus creidt goes to for the image, thanks to the person who took this lovely shot as well.

Thursday 5 February 2009

First Ever Rant

1) All this with Shane McMahon and Steph Vs Randy is a good thing but i am hoping that the match against Orton will turn out like it did before for shane in a No Hold Barred Match.. right think back to 2000 guys if you saw Judgement Day then you know Shane McMahon defeated The Big Show in the same match yeah there was the corp backing him but still i wanna see this type of Shane.

2) Everyone saying that Steph is going to own the company, give it a rest all i see is Vince retiring handing the company over to his kids by the time of either WM25 or Backlash.

3) Get over it.. i am still pissed off about the WWE going PG but still i can cope with it because i just watch the PPV's and keep up to date with the results from because the shows are becoming more boring and once the WWE start losing fans they will see that they are and do a poll on why they are losing fans.

4) Rating superstars because others like them.. so what is Randy Orton is a very hated guy doesn't mean you have to hate him and like Cena is a good enough wrestler once people stop moaning about him because 9 out of 10 people say Cena sucks he does 5 moves.. name those moves you see him do then is what i say.

5) Remebering the good old days.. i don't see why WWE keep doing lots of shit because for one they have nothing for Scotty Goldman and what happens is his "buddy" Joey Styles gets him noticed from the Web.. Vince McMahon however has other options focusing on his big name stars.. i say let the new guys have the light now because you care to much about Randy, Batista, JBL, Rey, Kane, Hardys, Edge, etc.

Thanks i will post another rant soon.